Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Study in Snowballs

Nothing has ever tasted as good to me as a coconut snowball on a hot day. There was this place we used to go in New Orleans, it might still be there, on the corner by my grandparents' old house. We went summer evenings, and it was always exciting. What flavor would I get this time? The last time I remember going, we went in the afternoon not long before dinner. I have often been known to consume sweets right before dinner. Who really cares? I'll be hungry again later. This last time in New Orleans, I'm sure I got piƱa colada or coconut flavor. It came with the special plastic spoon/straw that you could slurp or shovel with. Absolutely perfect. The trick is not to drink all the liquid too fast, but to let it linger with the ice until the very end so you get the most out of the snowball.

Yesterday, I had a similar experience at the 4th of July celebration in Warner park in Madison. I saw someone walking around with what appeared to be a snowball, and after an hour or so at the park, Caleb and I set out to search. We found a long line, and the snowballs! Although it wasn't the ideal shaved ice from a machine, the flavor was just the same as I had remembered, and it was delicious. What a treat, and what a memory.

The fireworks were the best I'd ever seen with the whole show set to music played over the radio-- a whole medley of songs, some patriotic, some not. The crowd sat on blankets or in chairs they brought to the park, having camped out and reserved spots hours earlier. Many people had glow sticks and light up batons. I loved watching the kid in front of me with glow sticks fashioned into necklaces and then huge headphones on top of that to block out the noise.

Caleb starts work in two days, and I've been trying to think of things to do while he's gone all day. I've got a list ; ) I'm thinking about getting my teaching certificate, so I can investigate that during the day time and go visit schools. Still need to do research about a cooking class or a crew to join. Still looking for a church. DO have two big writing projects to work on. Not feeling particularly philosophical tonight, just a little bored ; ) John Grisham let me down with a bad ending last night, and I don't want to start another book right now. Pout pout pout.

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